Welcome on this page where I’ll tell you about my photoproject @grii_ist.
I’m photographing for quite a long time, but lately I wondered why. Every year I started a project, along with a mentor who guided me in the project. Besides these projects I didn’t photograph much.
So when in March 2020 Corona hit us and we had to work from our homes, I started walking during my lunchbreaks. Soon I noticed all kind of interesting things in my surroundings. From that moment I found my new project!
I would find out why I’m loving photography. Need to discover why I do make a photograph or just don’t. Discovering what makes me click and searching for my visual narrative. A project with very few ‘rules’ so I wouldn’t be bound be these rules. Of course some rules to make the photos slightly coherent. I would only shoot with my Ricoh GRII, using the standard effect ‘High Contrast’ and showing all images I took, without editing. That’s all.
I started posting the images on Flickr, but changed to Instagram soon, mainly because of the user-friendliness of processing the images.
Sometimes I took no photos during a walk and sometimes there were three things that caught my attention. No rules on how many photos I needed to make. Just see where my eyes wandered. While collecting more and more images, I started to see why my eyes got attracted to certain images. Lines, composition and light & shadows where the most present.
This project is far from over as I do have lots of ideas with these images and the things I’m learning. I’ve already made a book with a selection of the images I shot in the period March-June 2020. This selection can be seen as a Youtube-presentation or you can browse through the pages at ISSUU.
I’m also preparing an e-book in which I tell you all about what I’ve learned about photography through this project.
And there is more to come…
In the meanwhile have a look at a selection of my favorites:
All photos can be seen on this site, sorted on the months the picture was taken:
maart 2021
februari 2021
januari 2021
december 2020
november 2020
oktober 2020
september 2020
augustus 2020
juli 2020
juni 2020
mei 2020
april 2020